Author: Rachel  Date Posted:1 August 2024 

Is Coca-Cola greenwashing the Paris Olympics? Using Olympic-level greenwashing, beverage giant Coca-Cola spruiks its reusable credentials while distributing Millions of single use plastic bottles at Paris Olympics.


TL:DR Coca Cola, a major sponsor of the Paris Olympics, faces criticism for its environmental claims while still distributing millions of single-use plastic bottles at the Games. Despite the Paris Olympics' commitment to reduce single-use plastics by 50% and ban them outright, logistical issues cited by Coca Cola mean 6.4 million plastic bottles will still be used. This contradicts Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo's declaration of a plastic-free event and highlights Coca Cola's ongoing role as the world's largest plastic polluter. Critics argue this is a prime example of greenwashing, undermining genuine sustainability efforts.



Coca-Cola is a corporate sponsor of the Paris Olympics

Paris Olympics corporate sponsor Coca Cola is facing backlash from environmental groups for boasting its plastic-free credentials while still distributing MILLIONS of single-use plastic drink bottles at the Games.

This is despite Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo declaring just 12 months ago that the Paris Olympics would be the first major event without single-use plastic.

The Paris Olympics’ sustainability goals include a commitment to halve the carbon output of the event compared to previous Games (average of London 2012 and Rio 2016) and 50% reduction in single-use plastics for food and beverages. This includes a ban on single-use plastics and replacing single-use plastic containers with reusable cups and containers for food and beverage services.

However, Coca Cola - consistently the world’s largest corporate plastic polluter - has exclusive rights to sell drinks at the games.

Coke was to distribute its products in reusable glass bottles from more than 200 soda fountains, which were apparently to be redeployed after the games. However, over one third of the anticipated 18 million beverages that it will sell to spectators will be served from single-use plastic bottles.

This is because - according to the plastic bottle manufacturer (sorry, beverage company) – logistics.

They have also said it's not possible to install Coca-Cola fountains where there is no long-term partnership agreement in place... of course!

So that's 6.4 MILLION single use plastic drink bottles that will be served and discarded at the Paris Olympics, in an environment of a single use plastic ban.

Because Coca Cola.



So, when you here the often repeated news that Coca-Cola 'upgraded its range of beverages to meet the City of Paris’ goal of zero single-use plastic,' or that the company included the use of '700 fountains across venues and athlete village' and 'installed returnable glass bottle designated collection points', then also remember the 6.4 MILLION single use plastic drink bottles that will be used once and then discarded.

And when you hear that 100% of the plastic bottles that could not be avoided for the public will be recycled, just remember that globally only 9% of plastic gets recycled, and plastic is not infinitely recyclable. In fact, currently less than 2% of all plastic ever created has been recycled twice.

BTW - this standard doesn't apply to you! Spectators are prevented from entering competition sites with single-use plastic drink bottles...



More than a hundred athletes added their names to an open letter urging Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to end plastic pollution “in the spirit of the Olympics and sport.”


We think this is another example of greenwashing at its finest, from one of the topmost greenwashers on the planet!

What do you think? Corporate madness? Or better than nothing?



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